Customize Helm Chart
Create a new chart:
By default, helm will generate chart with nginx template:
helm create mydevchart
That will create:
- Chart.yaml : contains meta-data of the chart
- values.yaml : values that will be used to replace in the templates
- templates directory: contains templates. Example: deployment.yaml, ingress.yaml, service.yaml, service.yaml etc.
- charts directory : contains charts as dependency
Required fields:
- apiVersion
- name
- description
- type: application or library
- appVersion: application version
Optional fiels:
- icon: icon of the project
- keywords: keywords being used in the project
- home: home of the projects
- sources: sources web sites etc.
- maintainer: team, persons, emails etc.
Package a chart for distribution:
helm package mydevchart
Update dependent charts and then package a chart for distribution:
helm package mydevchart -u
Create helm ignore file: .helmignore
Similar to .ignore file in git: it is used to ignore files that we don’t want to include in the package. Reference:
Validate syntax the helm templates and values:
helm lint mydevchart
Pull the dependencies for an updated chart:
helm dependency update mydevchart
Add chart to local repo:
Create the index file for local repo:
helm repo index my-dev-local-repo/
Add the developed chart to chart repo: that will add the zip chart to the repo
helm package mydevchart -d my-dev-local-repo/
Update chart repo index after adding the developed chart to repo directory:
helm repo index my-dev-local-repo/
Install chart from local repo:
helm install myapp my-dev-local-repo/mydevchart
Pull chart package from local repo:
helm pull my-dev-local-repo/mydevchart
Install the chart from zip file:
helm install myapp mydevchart-0.1.0.tgz
Helm starter:
The helm starter allows developer create chart using an existing template.
The starter templates are stored in $HELM_HOME\staters Example: C:\Users\xxxxx\AppData\Roaming\helm\starters
To verify helm enviroment:
helm env
Create a chart with starter option:
helm create --starter mychartstarter mynewchart
Install helm plugin:
helm plugin install
List the helm plugins:
helm plugin list